Stacie Garlieb featured in Career Builder: Negotiate key perks when the salary is less than desirable
Phoenix Campus: Successful Impressions Career Management Skills Workshop
hosted by University of Phoenix Hohokam Campus Saturday, November 5th 8am-3pm
American Marketing
Association Career Resource Center Podcast featuring Stacie Garlieb: Preparing For a Job Fair
Stacie Garlieb featured on AMA TVx8Campus Career Fairs: Making Them Work For You
Bay Area Campus: Successful
Impressions Career Management Skills Workshop hosted by University of Phoenix Livermore Learning Center Saturday,
October 29th 8am-3pm
Stacie Garlieb featured in the American Marketing Association
College2Career Resource Center with a free webcast on 'Gaining the Competitive Edge: Building Experience for an Impactful Resume'
Stacie Garlieb featured on the GPCCTV: Attracting & Retain Employees
During Difficult Economic Times
Stacie Garlieb featured in the Eye of the Intern section of Internships.com - How to Find Your Ideal Internship
Stacie Garlieb featured as an American Marketing Association Career Resource Contributor - Maximizing Your Impact in Interviewing
Phoenix Campus: Successful Impressions Career Management Skills Workshop hosted by
University of Phoenix Phoenix Campus October 8th 8am-3pm
Stacie Garlieb featured in the American Marketing Association Career Update answering: "How do you cover up gaps in your resume?",
"When you study marketing in the US are you able to get a job in another country?"
and "How do you know when a candidate is a perfect hire?"
Stace Garlieb
participated in the How to Attain & Retain Employees During Difficult Economic Times
panel at the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce
Atlanta Campus: Successful Impressions Career
Management Skills Workshop hosted by University of Phoenix Atlanta Campus September 17th 8am-3pm
Phoenix Campus: Successful Impressions Career Management Skills Workshop
hosted by University of Phoenix Phoenix Campus September 10th 8am-3pm register through Eventbrite
Garlieb featured as a presenter at the devLINK Technical Conference Gaining the Competitive Edge: Build Your
Best Resume
Featured in the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Valley Young Professionals
enewsletter: Six Salary Negotiation Tips for Young Professionals
Bay Area: Successful
Impressions Career Management Skills Workshop hosted by University of Phoenix Oakland Learning
Center register through Eventbrite August 20th 8am-3pm
Phoenix Campus Gaining the
Competitive Edge Career Workshop hosted by University of Phoenix Hohokam Campus register through Eventbrite
August 16th 6pm-9:30pm
Modesto: Successful Impressions Career Management Skills
Workshop hosted by University of Phoenix Modesto Learning Center register through Eventbrite August 13th
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: Why
should I go to the campus career fair?
Stacie Garlieb featured in Career Builder July 17, 2011:
For job seekers, remaining confident is key to landing position
Stacie Garlieb presented the Career Workshop Marathon Day
hosted by University of Phoenix Oregon Campus, July 16th 8:30am-3:30pm
Stacie Garlieb featured as
the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: How can students effectively use social media
in job search
Stacie Garlieb presented the Career Workshop Marathon Day
hosted by University of Phoenix Livermore Learning Center July 9th 8am - 3pm
Stacie Garlieb featured in the American Marketing Association College2Career Resource Center with a free webcast on 'Getting Past the Phone Interview'
Stacie Garlieb presented the Career Workshop Marathon
Day hosted by University of Phoenix Gateway Oaks Learning Center June 25th 8am - 3pm
Garlieb presented the Career Workshops hosted by University of Phoenix San Jose Learning
Center June 22nd and 23rd 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Stacie Garlieb presented the Career
Workshop Marathon Day hosted by University of Phoenix Hohokam Campus June 18th 8am - 3pm
Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: Where can I look for part
time jobs and internships?
Stacie Garlieb presented Career Workshop Marathon
Day hosted by University of Phoenix May 21st 8am - 3pm
Stacie Garlieb featured in the Phoenix Focus: Boost
your job satisfaction now
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting
Magazine: Preparing for the Face-to-Face Interview Section 4
Stacie Garlieb featured
as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: Preparing for the Face-to-Face Interview Section
Stacie Garlieb presented Maximizing the Internet for Your Career Search: From
Search Engines to Social Media hosted by University of Phoenix; April 19, 6pm - 8pm
Stacie Garlieb presented Cover Letters for Impact and Dynamic Interview Skills
hosted by University of Phoenix April 14, 6pm - 8pm
Stacie Garlieb presented Build
Your Best Resume hosted by University of Phoenix featured on azcentral.com Things To Do; April
6, 6pm - 8pm
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine:
Preparing for the Face-to-Face Interview Section 2
Stacie Garlieb featured as
the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: Preparing for the Face-to-Face Interview Section
Stacie Garlieb featured in Raising Arizona Kids Magazine: Finding the best resources
for your career
Stacie Garlieb presented at the American Marketing Association's International Conference on Successfully Managing Your Career Search and Transition Into the Workforce in New Orleans
Stacie Garlieb presented Managing Changes in your Career hosted
by University of Phoenix featured on azcentral.com Things To Do; March 5, 10am - 12pm
Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: Following up during and after
the phone interview
Stacie Garlieb presented Maximizing the Internet for Your
Career Search: From Search Engines to Social Media hosted by University of Phoenix; February 16,
6pm - 8pm
Stacie Garlieb presented Cover Letters for Impact and Dynamic Interview
Skills hosted by University of Phoenix February 7, 6pm - 8pm
Stacie Garlieb
presented Build Your Best Resume hosted by University of Phoenix featured on azcentral.com
February 2, 6pm - 8pm
Stacie Garlieb presented Maximizing the Internet
for Your Career Search: From Search Engines to Social Media hosted by University of Phoenix; January
27, 6pm - 8pm
Stacie Garlieb presented Cover Letters for Impact and Dynamic Interview Skills
hosted by University of Phoenix featured on azcentral.com January 19, 6pm - 8pm
Stacie Garlieb presented
Build Your Best Resume hosted by University of Phoenix featured on azcentral.com
January 15, 10am - 12pm
Intent.com interviews Jason Moore of Jobs for Arizona's Graduates about their $25,000 Pepsi Refresh Grant
Stacie Garlieb featured in Career Builder: Finding the right job fit
Garlieb featured as the Phoenix Career Transition Examiner: Following Up During and After the Phone Interview
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Phoenix Career Transition Examiner: Phoenix based
workshops can help build career skills
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert
for College Parenting Magazine: Practicing for the Phone Interview
"Power up your
job search in one day" One day - Three Career Workshops at University of Phoenix, Phoenix Hohokam Campus
Jobs for Arizona's Graduates is awarded a $25,000 Pepsi Refresh Grant to provide their students with the "I think" series and Best Resume Builder
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Phoenix Career Transition Examiner: Impactful cover letters
make a difference
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Phoenix Career Transition Examiner: Phoenix
parents can support the community through volunteering
Featured in the Phoenix Focus: Boost
your job satisfaction now
Media Alert: University of Phoenix to offer Free October Career Workshops to the Public
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: Preparing
for the Phone Interviews
Stacie Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting
Magazine: Following Up On Posted Resumes
Makeover Your Career Through Free Workshops
In September
Featured in the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce's Impact Magazine
Stacie Garlieb Featured as the Phoenix Career Transition Examiner on topics including: Preparing for job fairs, interviews, career skills workshops, etc.
Stacie Garlieb featured
as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: Resume Creation Stacie Garlieb featured as the Career Planning Expert for College Parenting Magazine: Resume
Featured in the Arizona Business & Money section of The Arizona Republic: Negotiate the best pay from new job
MEDIA ALERT: Make Over Your Career Through FREE Workshops; University of Phoenix to Offer Resume Buildling Workshops
& Career Advice
Attended ACTE AZ Conference as an exhibitor
Perk Partner
of the American Marketing Association
Featured in MCC Transitions for Seminars
Partnership with Jobs for Arizona's Graduates
Partnership official with Dress for Success Phoenix
Became member of Greater Phoenix Chamber of
Stacie Garlieb became the Phoenix Career Transition Examiner
Stacie Garlieb
published on the Kappa Delta National Career Website
Press Release Career Search Guides
Press Release Best Resume Builder 2.0 Launch
Stacie Garlieb presented at the University of Phoenix & CareerBuilder Reinvent Your Future 2010
Presentation at American Marketing Association's International Conference on Successfully Managing Your Career
Search and Transition Into the Workforc