Successful Impressions

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Career Resources

The fast and easy Career Search Guides to help you in your career search, resume writing, and interview and negotiation skills. 
         Tailored to Students and Recent Graduates with less than 5 yrs professional work experience:
   cvr-resume-perfect-130.jpg    cvr-interview-good-130.jpg    cvr-job-strong-130.jpg
  Tailored to Working Professionals with 5+ Years of Experience:
   cvr-res-great-130.jpg    cvr-int-strong-130.jpg    cvr-job-solid-130.jpg   FrontCover.jpg
      Available through amazon.jpg  barnesandnoble.jpg   
   Best Resume Builder®
Detailed, step by step program with questions specific and relevant to your experience to help you create a resume that will best represent your skills and experience in an organized and professional manner

Successful Impressions High School Career Skill BuildersTM

Provide your class with an engaging, interactive and fun way to learn current career search skills including resume, interview and leadership skills.

Name that... Interactive games for students to work in groups and brainstorm good and bad answers to resume, interview and leadership questions.

JOB-O - Critical thinking game for students to learn how to answer interview questions, write a professional resume, lead or be involved in a student organization, and the responsibilities of having a job. 

 Visit the High School Career Skill Builders page for additional information 


Note: Successful Impressions is able to accept purchase orders, Pay Pal payments and payments made by check for any services and/or products including but not limited to the "I think" Career Search Skills books and Best Resume Builder. Please e-mail for purchases or more information.

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Proven career resources for today's students and working professionals