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May graduates need to be strategic in interviews

It's that time of year - college graduates are finalizing their studying and determining what they will be doing as a career starting this summer.  New college graduates should understand that there are certain ways to increase your competitive chances in the interview process.  A recent SHRM article shared some tips straight from the hiring experts that can help you beat the other candidates.

  • Personal presence is important and it includes assessing and modifying your social media. Be sure that the various ways an employer can ‘see' you all show your enthusiasm, confidence, and professionalism to be successful in the workplace.
  • Be a storyteller. Interviewers want to thoroughly understand how you have used your skills in the past to produce results in school, work, and extracurricular activities. Answer questions with specific examples that will make them feel like they were right there with you and be sure to include the impact you had in each situation.
  • Ask thoughtful questions. At the end of every interview you are given an opportunity to ask questions so plan in advance and to research to make the most of this chance. Think about questions that give you more information about the job responsibilities, opportunities to use your skills, and ways you can contribute to the overall team success.
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